Alpha Trains & Rolls-Royce sign letter of intent for up to 1,000 overhauls of mtu rail drive systems
Overhaul of mtu PowerPacks for Alpha Trains′ entire fleet of diesel multiple units, including the Coradia Lint, Talent and Desiro series, is planned Long-term collaboration and […]
Presentation of refurbished Siemens Desiro Mainline for MittelrheinBahn
The first (of a total of 17) refurbished Siemens Desiro Mainline (ML) trains in operation on the MittelrheinBahn was presented at Trans Regio’s workshop in Koblenz on 23 November […]
Solution de mobilité durable grâce à la réutilisation de la flotte existante
Les trains Coradia Continental rénovés pour le réseau Regio-S-Bahn Bremen/Niedersachsen (Brême/Basse Saxe) sont présentés à Aix-la-Chapelle
Aix-la-Chapelle/Cologne, le 3 juillet 2023 - Talbot Services rénove 35 automotrices de type Alstom Coradia Continental pour le compte d’Alpha Trains. Les premiers trains […]
Here we grow again! Alpha Trains fleet now counting 501 trains!
We are excited to announce the addition of two new-build train units to our existing fleet, marking a significant milestone of surpassing 500 passenger trains! This expansion reinforces […]
Our Engineering experts at “19. Internationale Schienenfahrzeugtagung” in Dresden
Our experts Jörg Hagemeyer, Tilo Rackwitz and Thimo Schönemann are attending the “19. Internationale Schienenfahrzeugtagung” in Dresden, finding out all about the […]
„Treff.SchienenNah“ in Fulda is the place to be this week. Our Commercial Team Passenger is there to meet and network with representatives of the public transport authorities […]
For the first time, Alpha Trains leases trains to a Spanish company: Renfe Alquiler, the rolling stock leasing business of Spanish national operator Renfe, leases 21 Alstom Lint 41 multiple […]
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