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Siamo impegnati per l‘ambiente e sosteniamo il contributo che la ferrovia fornisce come mezzo di trasporto socialmente ed ecologicamente responsabile per persone e merci.

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Sia che si tratti di locomotive diesel o elettriche, di locazione a breve termine o di soluzioni a lungo termine, Full Service o Soggy Lease: grazie alla nostra ampia offerta di veicoli e servizi, poniamo le basi per il vostro futuro.

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Treni passeggeri

Treni passeggeri

La concorrenza nel settore ferroviario crea qualita’ ed abbatte i costi. Con soluzioni di leasing competitive per il moderno materiale rotabile plasmiamo il futuro del settore ferroviario.

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Alpha NOW

Alpha NOW

A portata di clic: il nostro Portale Clienti “AlphaNOW” permette un facile accesso al vostro portfolio di leasing e la prenotazione online delle nostre locomotive Full Flex.

Leasing facile ora...


Sven Rieger, Senior Commercial Manager, Alpha Trains & Daniel Jacobs, Bereichsleiter Fahrzeugmanagement RheinCargo © Alpha Trains | Alpha Trains

Locomotives news   26. nov. 2024   Alpha Trains

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25 years together on track!

In celebration of 25 years of successful partnership, Alpha Trains Group and RheinCargo GmbH & Co. KG have unveiled a special livery on the first of a total of four Vectron locomotives! This milestone reflects our journey together and […]

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Alpha Trains again achieves top score in 2024 GRESB benchmark. © Alpha Trains Luxembourg S.à r.l.

Alpha Group news   07. ott. 2024   Alpha Trains

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Alpha Trains again achieves top score in 2024 GRESB benchmark

GRESB 5-star rating for eighth consecutive year Maximum achievable 100 out of 100 points for the third consecutive year Luxembourg, 7. October 2024 - Alpha Trains, Europe′s leading private lessor […]

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Alpha Trains & Rolls-Royce sign letter of intent for up to 1,000 overhauls of mtu rail drive systems. (On the photo from left to right:) Fernando Pérez, CEO of Alpha Trains Group and Andreas Görtz, President Mobile and Sustainable Power Solutions at Rolls-Royce Power Systems. © Alpha Trains Luxembourg S.à r.l.

Passenger news   24. sett. 2024   Alpha Trains

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Alpha Trains & Rolls-Royce sign letter of intent for up to 1,000 overhauls of mtu rail drive systems

Overhaul of mtu PowerPacks for Alpha Trains′ entire fleet of diesel multiple units, including the Coradia Lint, Talent and Desiro series, is planned Long-term collaboration and strategic partnership […]

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