Trains Overview

Electric railcars (EMU)

FLIRT3 - Stadler Rail

Data general
ManufacturerStadler Rail
Type designationFLIRT3
Construction yearsENR 2013/2014, EMIL 2015, TWN2 2017, HWN2 2018
Number of seatsENR EMU3: 158 seats, ENR EMU6: 333 seats, EMIL EMU4: 215/191 seats (Winter / summer seating), TWN2 EMU5: 266 seats, HWN2 EMU5: 272 seats

Technical details - FLIRT3

Track gauge (standard gauge)1,435 mm
Wheelset arrangementEMU3: Bo’2’2’Bo’, EMU4: Bo’2’2’2’Bo’, EMU5: Bo’2’2’2’2’Bo’, EMU6: Bo’2’2’2’2
Wheel diameter (new)920/ 760 mm (TRS/ LRS)
Length over couplingEMU3: 58,600 mm, EMU4: 74,400 mm, EMU5: 90,800 mm, EMU6: 106,900 mm
Vehicle height4,120 mm
Vehicle outer width2,880 mm
Floor height passenger area
(Low-floor / high-floor)
780 mm/ 1,200 mm
Vehicle mass (empty)ENR EMU3: 110 tons, ENR EMU6: 174 tons, EMIL EMU4: 134 tons, TWN2 EMU5: 164 tons
Maximum braking weightENR EMU3: 127 tons, ENR EMU6: 204 tons, EMIL EMU4: 154 tons, TWN2 EMU5: 200 tons
Max. axle load21/ 17 tons (TRS/ LRS)
Traction, Engine & Power
Supplies/UnitElectrical (EMU)
Drive units/enginesENR EMU3: 3 EMU4, EMU5, EMU6: 4
Installed drive powerENR EMU3: 2,040 kW, EMU4, EMU5, EMU6: 2,720 kW
Rated powerENR EMU3: 1,500 kW, EMU4, EMU5, EMU6: 2,000 kW
Voltage systems (EMU)ENR, EMIL, HWN2: 15 kV~16.7 HzTWN2 EMU5: 15 kV~16.7 Hz / 25 kV~50 Hz / 1.5 kV DC
Current/power transmissionPower converter asynchronous machine
Speed & Traction performance
Maximum speed160 km/h
Installed train safety systemsTWN2: Siemens ETCS mit ATB und TGB-IEMIL: I60R PZB90HWN2: Trainguard Basic
Max. Number of vehicles
in multiple traction
EMIL: dreifach artreinTWN2: dreifach artreinHWN2: dreifach artrein
FeaturesENR: Netzzugang ÖBBTWN2: Mehrsystemfahrzeug mit Zulassung NLENR EMU6 mit Hublift

Alpha Trains Europa GmbH
Rudolfplatz 3, 50674 Cologne
+49 221 91 40 90 00